Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Report highlights adverse effects of and adaptation to climate change in the Caribbean and other Small Island Developing States.

A. Context for adaptation to climate change for SIDS
1. There are 51 small island developing states which, in spite of their geographical and cultural
diversity, share similar economic and sustainable development challenges including low availability of resources, a small but rapidly growing population, remoteness, susceptibility to natural disasters, excessive dependence on international trade and vulnerability to global developments. SIDS also have to contend with a lack of economies of scale, high transportation and communication costs, and costly public administration and infrastructure.

2. The climate of small island states is influenced by large ocean-atmosphere interactions such as trade winds, El Niño and the monsoons; tropical cyclones and hurricanes are also important components of the climate, as well as sea-level rise. These climate characteristics, combined with their particular socioeconomic situations make SIDS, among which are 12 LDCs, some of the most vulnerable countries in the world to climate change. This, added to the fact that SIDS produce such extremely low levels of greenhouse gas emissions, means that they will suffer disproportionately from the damaging impacts of climate change.

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Friday, February 2, 2007

Public Notice: UNPFII 2007

Public Notice: The Sixth Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) will take place at United Nations Headquarters in New York from May 14-25 2007.

As in previous sessions, the United Confederation of Taino People (UCTP) is facilitating activities and administrative services for the Indigenous Peoples Caucus of the Greater Caribbean (IPCGC). Please inform us of your planned attendance and desire to participate as part of the Caucus, which is open to representatives of indigenous Caribbean Organizations and communities.

Consistent with the UNPFII, the IPCGC follows an organizational structure similar to the Association of Caribbean States whereas the “Greater Caribbean” is defined here as an area of cooperation in recognition of common ancestral heritages and common geographic spaces shared by the Indigenous Peoples of the region.

Please send all correspondence to the United Confederation of Taino People’s Regional Coordinating Office at

We say bo’matum (thank you) in advance for your attention and consideration.