Monday, March 30, 2009

3rd Indigenous Leaders Summit of the Americas

III Indigenous Leaders Summit of the Americas - III Cumbre de Lideres Indigenas de las Americas

3rd Indigenous Leaders Summit of the Americas

On April 14th to 15th, 2009, the 3rd Indigenous Leaders Summit of the Americas (3rd ILSA) will be held in Panama City, Panama. This will be followed by the Fifth Summit of the Americas, to be held in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago from April 17th to 19th, 2009.

The Native Women's Association of Canada is co-hosting the 3rd ILSA with the Assembly of First Nations and Indigenous Partner Organizations throughout the Americas. More information is available in the information bulletin. Further, we are seeking input into our discussion paper that outlines the framework of the Declaration and Plan of Action that will be finalized at the 3rd ILSA. To provide feedback please contact Céleste McKay.

Resources in English / Recursos en inglés

La III Cumbre de los Líderes Indígenas de la Américas (III CLIA) tendrá lugar en la ciudad de Panamá, Panamá del 14 al 15 de abril del 2009. Este evento será seguido por la V Cumbre de las Américas que tendrá lugar en el Puerto de España en Trinidad y Tobago del 17 al 19 de abril del 2009.

La Asociación de las Mujeres Indígenas de Canadá y la Asamblea de las Primeras Naciones coauspician la III CLIA con la ayuda de otras organizaciones Indígenas de todas las Américas. Para más información consulte el Boletín de Información. Además, estamos buscando sus comentarios para nuestro Documento de Debate que explica la elaboración de la Declaración y el Plan de Acción que serán finalizados en la III CLIA. Para enviar sus comentarios comuníquese con Céleste McKay.

Recursos en español / Resources in Spanish

Link to Web Page Cumbres de las Americas Sistema de Información
PDF Document Boletín de Información— III CLIA
PDF Document Documento de Debate — III CLIA
PDF Document Declaración de la primera cumbre — Ottawa, Canadá
PDF Document Declaración de la segunda cumbre — Buenos Aires, Argentina

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Public Notice: UNPFII 2009

Public Notice: The Eighth Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) will take place at United Nations Headquarters in New York, from 18-29 May 2009.

The 2009 PFII session will discuss implementation of recommendations of the Permanent Forum on issues such as Economic and social development; Indigenous women; the Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People; and Human rights with a focus on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. A dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous peoples and other special rapporteurs, a half-day session on the Arctic, and comprehensive dialogue with six United Nations agencies and funds also form part of the session agenda.

The United Confederation of Taino People (UCTP) is facilitating administrative services and activities for delegates planning to participate within the Indigenous Peoples Caucus of the Greater Caribbean (IPCGC) at the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues 2009. Please inform the UCTP of your planned attendance and desire to participate as part of the Caucus, which is open to representatives of indigenous Caribbean Organizations and communities.

Consistent with the UNPFII procedures, the IPCGC follows an organizational structure similar to the Association of Caribbean States whereas the “Greater Caribbean” is defined here as an area of cooperation in recognition of common ancestral heritages and common geographic spaces shared by the Indigenous Peoples of the region.

Please send correspondence to the United Confederation of Taino People’s Office of International Relations and Regional Coordination at

UCTPPN Issued on 19 March 2009,
UCTP - Office of International Relations

and Regional Coordination

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

OAS Announcement

UCTP Public Notice: The Thirteenth Meeting of Negotiations in the Quest for Points of Consensus on the draft American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which was tentatively scheduled for March 30-April 3, 2009 has been postponed and will either be scheduled for April 27-May 1, 2009 or May 4-8, 2009. The dates will soon be confirmed by the OAS (Organization of American States).

UCTPPN 03.17.2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009

3rd Indigenous Leaders Summit On Course

Damon Corrie and Roberto Borrero at the offices of the Assembly of First Nations in Ottawa, Canada (UCTP Photo)

Ottawa, Canada (UCTP Taíno News) – A planning meeting for the upcoming 3rd Indigenous Leaders Summit of the Americas was held February 27-28, 2008 in Ottawa, Canada. The meeting was hosted by the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and the Native Womens Association of Canada.

Three representatives from the Caribbean Region were invited to attend as members of the planning committee – Damon Corrie (Barbados), Albert DeTerville (St. Lucia), and Roberto Borrero (Puerto Rico).

The Indigenous Leaders Summit will present a Declaration and Plan of Action to the 5th OAS Summit of the Americas that will be held in Port of Spain, Trinidad from April 17 – 19, 2009.

The Summit location has not yet been confirmed, but current choices location choices include Venezuela, Panama, and St. Lucia. Trinidad is also being considered but as a result of the OAS Summit, logistics could present a problem. While the cost and other factors will determine the actual meeting site, members of the local indigenous community are still hopeful that the Indigenous Summit will come to Trinidad.

“To not have this meeting in Trinidad would be a shame” stated Chief Ricardo Bharath Hernandez of the Santa Rosa Carib Community. Currently, the Santa Rosa Community is the only community on the island recognized by the government of Trinidad and Tobago.

Close to 100 hundred indigenous leaders from throughout the hemisphere are expected to attend the meeting. Participants will be representative of 4 regions – South America; Central America & Mexico; North America (U.S.A & Canada ); and the Caribbean with about 20 participants per region.

Corrie was appointed to head the Communications Sub-Committee while DeTerville and Borrero will work with the Technical Committee. Outreach has already been circulated in the Caribbean Region for the delegate nominees.

The 3rd Indigenous Summit of the Americas will take place from April 14-15, 2009.

UCTPTN 03.05.2009