On the basis of an invitation from the Governments of Paraguay and Bolivia, the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues undertook a mission to the Chaco regions of Paraguay and Bolivia in April and May 2009.

On the basis of an invitation from the Governments of Paraguay and Bolivia, the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues undertook a mission to the Chaco regions of Paraguay and Bolivia in April and May 2009.
The Trust Fund for the Second Decade was established to promote, support and implement the objectives of the Decade. The Fund will give priority to projects concerning the main areas of the Second Decade: culture, education, health, human Rights, the environment and social and economic development. The Advisory Group for the Trust Fund for the Second Decade consists of members of the Permanent Forum’s Bureau.
Indigenous organizations or organizations working for indigenous peoples can apply for small grants from the Trust Fund. Guidelines to applicants for the Fund are available below.
It is expected that the Fund will mainly be used for small grants projects with a budget for up to 10,000 US$ covering one year’s expenses.
The 2010 Call for applications for the Trust Fund on Indigenous Issues relating to the Second International Decade of the World's Indigenous People is open. Proposals will be accepted between 1 August 2009 and 1 November 2009.
Applications for Trust Fund grants will be accepted between 1 august 2009 and 1 November 2009. Applications are to be submitted to: indigenousfund@un.org during this time period. Applications submitted outside of this time period or to other email addresses will not be considered for funding. Applicants will receive an acknowledgment of receipt of proposal via email. However, due to the high volume of proposals received, the Secretariat of the UNPFII will not be able to respond to questions or requests from applicants. The proposals will be assessed in April 2010 and successful applicants will receive notice thereafter. A list of organizations awarded grants will also be posted on this website.
All applicants must submit their project proposals in accordance with the Trust Fund Grant Application Instructions, and must also submit a proposal summary sheet, in conformity with the instructions for filling out the summary sheet. Applicants should also review the Funding Guidelines for Activities Relating to the United Nations Second Decade of the World’s Indigenous People, which were amended in July 2008.
>>> Grant Application Instructions
>>> Summary Sheet for Grant Proposals (to be filled by applicants)
>>> Instructions for Completing the Summary Sheet for Grant Proposals
Coordinated by the United Confederation of Taino People, the Indigenous Peoples Caucus of the Greater Caribbean (IPCGC) is an on-going coalition of indigenous Caribbean organizations and community representatives engaging the annual sessions and follow-up mechanisms of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, other United Nations agencies and programs as well as indigenous focused meetings of the Organization of American States (OAS)…