Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Foro Permanente de las Naciones Unidas para las Cuestiones Indígenas - Tema 8: Labor futura del Foro Permanente

Foro Permanente de las Naciones Unidas para las Cuestiones Indígenas

Tema 8: Labor futura del Foro Permanente, incluidos los asuntos relacionados con el Consejo Económico y Social y nuevas cuestiones

Miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

Confederación Unida del Pueblo Taíno (Región del Caribe)

Presentado por Roberto Múkaro Borrero

Takahi kena hahom. Saludos y muchas gracias, señor Presidente:

La Confederación Unida del Pueblo Taíno es una iniciativa regional que representa a los pueblos indígenas de las islas del Caribe. Hemos participado en todos los períodos de sesiones del Foro Permanente con el objetivo de aumentar la visibilidad y la comprensión de la situación en la que se encuentran los pueblos indígenas de esta región, la cual está vinculada a América Latina en estos procedimientos. 

Si bien el término América Latina y el Caribe es utilizado de manera generalizada durante los períodos de sesiones del Foro Permanente, la participación plena y efectiva de los pueblos indígenas del Caribe es desafortunadamente más la excepción que la regla. 

En las escasas ocasiones en las que se ha destacado en el sistema la situación de los pueblos indígenas del Caribe -en particular la de los isleños indígenas-, las agencias de las Naciones Unidas y los gobiernos apenas han reaccionado para entablar un diálogo significativo o llevar a cabo un seguimiento.

Por ejemplo, el Programa de Acción del Segundo Decenio Internacional de los Pueblos Indígenas del Mundo, en la sección b-85 del tema 6 “desarrollo social y económico,  recomienda, y cito:

"Se recomienda que los representantes de las poblaciones indígenas del Caribe sean incluidos en consultas y conferencias específicas regionales en América Latina y el Caribe, así como en comités directivos para planificar y aplicar el programa de actividades del Segundo Decenio Internacional. Debería considerarse seriamente la organización de una sesión consultiva regional de carácter especial centrada en la situación única en la que se encuentran las poblaciones indígenas del Caribe, que tendría lugar en el Caribe, organizada por un Estado miembro y una comunidad indígena local”

Señor Presidente, hasta la fecha no se ha realizado dicha reunión y estamos llegando al final del Segundo Decenio. 

Teniendo esto en cuenta, la Confederación Unida del Pueblo Taíno recomienda al Foro Permanente que: 

1.)    Solicite al Grupo de Apoyo Interinstitucional y a los gobiernos que respalden la organización de una reunión consultiva regional sobre la situación de los indígenas en el Caribe, incluyendo a los pueblos indígenas de los territorios no autónomos y territorios no asociados en la región, sin ningún tipo de discriminación. 

 2.)    En colaboración con los pueblos indígenas, organice y celebre una reunión de grupo de expertos en 2014 sobre la situación de los pueblos indígenas de territorios no autónomos y territorios no asociados, e informe sobre la reunión en su 13º período de sesiones.

Hahom (gracias).

UCTP submission to UNPFII under Item 8: Future work of the Permanent Forum, including matters of the Economic and Social Council and emerging issues

United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues 
Item 8: Future work of the Permanent Forum, 
including matters of the Economic and Social Council and emerging issues 

Wednesday, 29 May, 2013 

Submission by the United Confederation of Taíno People (Caribbean Regional) 

Presented by Roberto Mukaro Borrero 

Takahi kena hahom. Greetings and thank you Mr. Chair: 

The United Confederation of Taíno People is a regional initiative representing Indigenous Peoples of the Caribbean Islands. We have participated at every session of the UNPFII seeking to raise the visibility and promote a better understanding of the situations of Indigenous Peoples from this region, which is connected to Latin America in these proceedings. 

Indeed, while the term Latin America and the Caribbean is promoted at various levels throughout the Permanent Forum sessions, as well as throughout the United Nations system, the full and effective participation of Indigenous Peoples of the Caribbean is unfortunately a rarity rather than the norm. 

On the unusual occasion when Caribbean Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous islanders in particular, are highlighted within the system, there has been very little action on the part of U.N agencies or governments to engage in meaningful dialog or follow-up. 

For example, the Programme of Action for the Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, under Item 6 Social and economic development, section b-85 states, and I quote: 

“ It is recommended that representatives of Caribbean indigenous peoples should be included in region-specific consultations and conferences in Latin America and the Caribbean, and on steering committees for planning and implementing the programme of activities for the Second International Decade. Serious consideration should also be given to organizing a special regional consultative session focusing on the unique situation of Caribbean indigenous peoples, which would take place in the Caribbean, hosted by a Member State and a local indigenous community.” 

Mr. Chair, to date there has been no such meeting and we are now nearing the close of the second Decade. 

With this in mind, the United Confederation of Taíno People recommends that the Permanent Forum: 

1.) Call on the Inter-Agency Support Group and Governments to support a regional consultative meeting on the situation of Caribbean Indigenous including Indigenous Peoples of non-self governing territories and unincorporated territories in the region, without discrimination. 

 2.) In cooperation with Indigenous Peoples, organize and hold an expert group meeting on the situation of Indigenous Peoples of non-self governing territories and unincorporated territories in 2014 and report on said meeting at its 13th session. 

Hahom (thank you).

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Annual United Nations Indigenous Peoples Forum begins

Some of the Caribbean Indigenous representatives at the United Nations Permanent Forum in 2013. From left Damon Corrie (Lokono), R. Mukaro Borrero (Taino), Tai AnaYuisa Pelli (Taino), Hatuey Corrie (Lokono)
United Nations (UCTP Taino News) - Over 2000 representatives of Indigenous Peoples have registered and are expected to attend the 12th session of United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. The Forum opened on 20 May and will close on May 2012. Some of the themes to be discussed include culture, education and health, as well as youth, Indigenous Peoples of Africa and international financial institutions. The session opened with a welcome blessing by Todadaho Sid Hill, a traditional Chief of the Onondaga Nation, part of the Six Nations or Iroquois Confederacy. 
A message from the Secretary General Ban Ki Moon was delivered by  Wu Hongbo, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs. The message stressed that “We must have a better understanding of the views and values of indigenous peoples by engaging them in decision-making and providing a platform for issues affecting their lives and livelihoods.”
The Forum also elected a new chairperson, Paul Kanyinke Sena, who will facilitate the two-week session. A Maasai from Kenya, Sena stated in his opening address that  Indigenous concepts of health and healing includes not only access without discrimination to social and health services, but also includes connections with family, land and language, as well as access to traditional plants, animals and minerals. 
Other opening remarks were presented by the Vice-President of the UN General Assembly, Abulkalam Abdul Momen and the President of the UN Economic, Social and Economic Council (ECOSOC), Néstor Osorio.
Among the diverse participants of this year’s session representatives of Caribbean Indigenous Peoples such as the Lokono Arawak, Carib, and Taino are in attendance. The United Confederation of Taino People, for example, has accredited a number of delegates from throughout the Caribbean region including Borikén (Puerto Rico), Barbados, and Guyana. 
Along with the various discussions and debates taking place during the week, a number of side-events on related-issues will take place in and around United Nations Headquarters. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Information Note for Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations on the Twelfth Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

We welcome you to New York for the twelfth session, which starts on 20 May 2013 and ends on 31 May 2013. The attachment to this letter provides an outline of matters pertaining to the session.

We are pleased to announce that the renovations of most of the Conference Rooms at the United Nations Headquarters are almost completed. The opening of the session will be held in the General Assembly Hall and will commence at 11am. In the afternoon and for the rest of the session, the meeting will be in Trusteeship Council Chamber.

The twelfth session of the Permanent Forum will be significant because it is the Permanent Forum’s review year with special emphasis on the implementation of UNPFII recommendations on: (i) health; (ii) education; and (iii) culture.

Also, based on its methodology of organizing in-depth dialogues with UN agencies, the Forum will hold a dialogue with the World Bank; Asian Development Bank; African Development Bank; Inter-American Development Bank and the International Finance Corporation.

The special regional focus of the Forum will be on indigenous peoples in Africa. A half-day discussion will be devoted to this region.

Other features of the Forum’s twelfth session will include Human Rights, the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples (2014), Discussions on the Post 2015 Development Agenda and discussions on a number of studies completed this year by members of the Permanent Forum.

We take this opportunity to draw your attention to the preparatory meeting of the Indigenous Global Caucus on the weekend before the Permanent Forum session 18 – 19 May 2013. As in previous years, the meeting will take place on the 2nd floor of the Church Center for the United Nations at 777 UN Plaza (corner of East 44th Street and 1st Avenue), across the street from the main entrance to the United Nations.

Also, the Global Indigenous Women's Caucus meeting will take place on Friday 17 May 2013 from 9am to 5pm. The meeting will take place on the 2nd floor of the Church Centre for the United Nations at 777 UN Plaza (corner of East 44th Street and 1st Avenue), across the street from the main entrance to the United Nations.

The Indigenous Youth Caucus Preparatory Meeting for the twelfth Session will take place on Sunday, May 19, 2013, 9am to 6pm at 1 East 42nd Street, 2th Floor, New York, NY 10017

A meeting with Indigenous Journalists to strategize on the World Conference on Indigenous peoples (2014) will take place on Wednesday 22 May between 10am – 11am in Conference Room C. For further information contact Nilla Bernardi on
Wednesday 22 May between 10am – 11am in Conference Room C. For further information contact Nilla Bernardi on

One important note – all registrations for new Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations and Academics are now closed. Please be advised you must be pre-registered in order to attend the Forum. You must also bring your confirmation letter and a photo ID such as a passport or driver’s licence to the Registration desk.

Registration times will be:
Sunday 19 May 12:00 -17:00
Monday 20 May 08:30 -12:30 & 14.00 -15.45
Tuesday 21 May 09.00 - 12.30 & 14.00 – 15.45

Wednesday 22 May to Friday 31 May (remainder of the Session) 09:30 - 12:30 & 14.00 – 15.45

The Registration Desk will be closed from 12:30 p.m. to 14:00 p.m. Participants attending only side-events should register in the morning before those events take place.

Warm regards,

The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Secretariat: Chandra, Anna, Arturo, Bertha, Broddi, Daniel,Joshua, Luz, Martin, Mirian, Nilla, Olga, Samantha, Sonia, Upatissa

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Members of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues 2014-2016

On 6 May the President of Economic and Social Council announced the appointment of eight Members of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues for the term 2014-2016 who had been nominated by indigenous peoples’ organizations. Previously, on 25 April, the Council had elected seven members nominated by governments. One member remains to be elected by the Council from the Asia Pacific region. Their term begins on 1 January 2014 and lasts until 31 December 2016. 

Indigenous nominated and appointed by President of ECOSOC (8): 
Mariam Wallet Aboubakrine (Africa) 
Kara-Kys Arakchaa ( Eastern Europe, Russian Federation, Central Asia and Transcaucasia)
 Joan Carling (Asia) 
Maria Eugenia Choque Quispe ( Central, South America and the Caribbean) 
Dalee Sambo Dorough (Arctic) 
Edward John (North America) 
 Raja Devasish Roy (Asia) 
Valmaine Toki (Pacific) 

Government nominated and elected by ECOSOC (7): 
Megan Davis (Australia) Oliver Loode (Estonia) 
Aisa Mukabenova (Russian Federation) 
Joseph Goko Mutangah (Kenya) 
Gervais Nzoa (Cameroon) 
Mohammad Hassani Nejad Pirkouhi (Iran) 
Alvaro Esteban Pop Ac (Guatemala)

Monday, May 6, 2013

6th session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

English version: 

Dear all,

I am pleased to inform that the accreditation for the 6th session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is open until 28 June 2013. Please follow the instructions at:

I would appreciate if you could disseminate this information to your networks.

Texto en espanol: 

Hola a todos,

Me complace informar que la acreditación para la sexta sesión del Mecanismo de Expertos sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas está abierta hasta el 28 de junio de 2013. Por favor, siga las instrucciones en:

Le agradecería si pudiera difundir esta información a sus redes.

Texte français:

Bonjour à tous,

Je voudrais vous informer que l'accréditation pour la 6ème session du Mécanisme d'experts sur les droits des peuples autochtones est ouverte jusqu'au 28 Juin 2013. Veuillez suivre les instructions à l'adresse suivante :

Je vous serais reconnaissante si vous pouviez diffuser cette information à travers vos réseaux.