Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Grupo de Trabajo de composición abierta sobre los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible // Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals

Estimados amigos y colegas ,

A continuación el anuncio de DESA sobre lo que ocurrirá durante la Fase 2 del Grupo de Trabajo de composición abierta sobre los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible ( OWG - SDG ) y la financiación sostenible.

Como ustedes saben la Octava Sesión del OWG - SDG acaba de finalizar .

La fase de inventario de la situación en donde se obtuvieron puntos de vista por parte de los gobiernos y de los grupos mayores en los diferentes temas de desarrollo sostenible ha terminado. Ahora van a pasar a las reuniones informales que están destinadas a iniciar los procesos
intergubernamentales de negociación donde van a llegar a un acuerdo sobre lo que será el ODS . Estas reuniones tendrán lugar en las siguientes fechas:

Marzo, del 3 al 7, 2014
Marzo 31 a  abril 4,  2014
Mayo del 5 al 9,  2014
Junio del  16 al 20,  2014
Julio del 14 al 18, 2014

Los co -presidentes del OWG - SDG son el Sr. Macharia Kamau, Representante Permanente de Kenya y el Sr. Csaba Kőrösi, Representante Permanente de Hungría. Para obtener más información sobre los informes de los distintos
grupos de trabajo , por favor visite el sitio web:

Después de julio el proceso de la Agenda de Desarrollo Post- 2015 se iniciará en septiembre de 2014 en el comienzo de la 69 ª Sesión de la Asamblea General de la ONU . Habrá un evento especial para revisar los ODM durante este evento. Después de este evento de alto nivel , los procesos de negociación se llevará a cabo en lo que será el programa para el desarrollo post- 2015 . Los resultados de la OWG - SDG se incorporarán a este proceso.

Los otros procesos regionales son los siguientes : Esto se obtuvo de del mensaje de Chantal Line Carpienter que es el punto focal de DESA para los Grupos Principales.

Fechas para las Reunión regionales:

vamos a trabajar con los coordinadores residentes para identificar a los participantes regionales , por favor inicia contactos directos con su circunscripción:

Reunión de la CESPAP HLPF (ESCAP HLPF  por sus siglas en inglés) en abril (2-4) , con consulta previa a partir del 29 ó el 30 de marzo en Bangkok.

CESPAO (ESCWA por sus siglas en ingles) 2 a 3 abril en Aman, Jordania.

CEPAL primera semana de mayo en Perú

ECE - puede que no tenga reunión en la HLPF

ECA: no hay información.

Estamos planeando ofrecer actividades de creación de capacidades y oportunidades de incidencia en cada reunión.

También hay que considerar que habrá una reunión sobre los pequeños estados insulares en desarrollo deberían (SIDS por sus siglas en ingles). Así que esto es muy relevante para el Consejo del Pacífico y el Caribe. Por favor, interactuar con Roberto Borrero Mukaro que es del Caribe y que representa a CITI , uno de los socios en la organización para la OWG - ODS , por lo que puede ayudar a proporcionar información adicional al respecto.

Sobre la contribución de los SIDS y altavoz para el lanzamiento del Año Internacional de los Pequeños Estados Insulares:

RECORDATORIO: fecha límite para la presentación de lo que el documento de la conferencia SIDS debe contener es el 15 de febrero.

Para el lanzamiento del Año Internacional de la SIDS , sólo C & Y y las mujeres presentaron nombres. Mis colegas han seleccionado al candidato de C & Y Ben Anthoy Bacar MOUSSA de Islas Comoras. Ya C & Y está trabajando con
él en su declaración en idioma francés y compartirán con usted a la brevedad , ya que esto es una declaración de todos los MGs.

Por favor, háganos saber quién de sus  miembros (consituency) estarán aquí para la PrepCom 24 a 26 febrero.

La Socios Organizador de Grupo Principal de los Pueblos Indígenas son Tebtebba y el IIN ( Red Indígena de Información de Kenia, para el Sur) y el Consejo Internacional de Tratados Indios (CITI ) para el Norte. Hay muy mínima participación de los pueblos indígenas en estos procesos porque hay muy poco apoyo (financiamiento )para esto y el DESA sólo admite una o dos personas del Sur.  Por parte de Tebtebba , tenemos a Galina Angarova que tiene su sede en Nueva York para participar a tiempo completo con este proceso, entre otros y por ellos CITI tiene a Roberto Mukaro Borrero, también con sede en Nueva York . Para IIN es Lucy Mulenkei cuyo correo electrónico es

Si desea más información envíe un correo electrónico  a Galina: y Roberto es

.Traducido por CADPI

2014-02-11 21:29 GMT-06:00 Vicky Tauli-Corpuz :

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Please find below the announcement from DESA on what will happen during the Phase 2 of the Open-ended Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (OWG-SDG) and Sustainable Financing. As you may know the OWG-SDG 8th Session just finished. The Stocktaking Phase where they had views from
governments and from Major groups on the various sustainable development issues is over. They will now move to the informals which are meant to be intergovernmental negotiating processes where they will reach agreement on what will be the SDGs. These meetings will take place on the following dates;

March 3-7, 2014
March 31-April 4, 2014
May 5-9, 2014
June 16-20, 2014
July 14-18, 2014

The co-chairs  of the OWG-SDG are  Mr. Macharia Kamau, Permanent Representative of Kenya and Mr. Csaba Kōrōsi, Permanent Representative of Hungary. For more information on the reports of the various working groups please go to the website; *

After July the Post-2015 Development Agenda Process will start in September 2014 at the beginning of the 69th Session of the UN General Assembly. There will be a special event to review the MDGs during this event. After this High Level Event, the negotiations processes will take place on what the Post-2015 Development Agenda will be. The results of the OWG-SDG will feed into this process.

The other regional processes are the following: I cut this from the message of Chantal Line Carpienter who is the DESA focal point for Major Groups.

*Regional meeting dates: we will work with RCs to identify regional participants, please start outreaching to your constituency*

ESCAP HLPF meeting in April (2-4) with pre-consultation starting from 29 or 30 March, Bangkok
ESCWA 2-3 April in Aman, Jordan.
ECLAC first week of May in Peru
ECE may not have a meeting on the HLPF
ECA: no further info

We are planning to offer capacity building and advocacy opportunities at each meeting.

There will also be a meeting on SIDS which those in small-island developing states should consider. So this is very relevant for the Pacific Caucus and also the Carribean. Please interact with Roberto Mukaro Borrero who is from the Caribbean and who is representing  IITC, one of the Organizing Partners for the OWG-SDGs, so he can help provide additional information on this.

*SIDS contribution and speaker for launching of INternational year of the SIDS*

REMINDER: deadline for submission of what the SIDS conference document should contain is 15 February,
For the Launch of the international year of the SIDS, only C&Y and women submitted names. My colleagues have selected the C&Y candidate Ben Anthoy Bacar MOUSSA from Comoros*. *C&Y are working with him on his statement in French and will share with you shortly as this is a statement for all MGs.

Please let us know who from your constituency plan to be here for the PrepCom 24-26 Feb.

The Organizing Partners for the Indigenous Peoples' Major Group are Tebtebba and IIN (Indigenous Information Network from Kenya, for the South and International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) for the North. There is very minimal participation of indigenous peoples in these processes because there is very little support for this and the DESA only supports one or two persons from the South. For Tebtebba, we have Galina Angarova who is based
in New York to engage on a more full-time basis with this process, among others and for IITC they have Roberto Mukaro Borrero., also based in NY. For IIN this is Lucy Mulenkei whose email is

If you want more information please email them. Galina's email is and Roberto's is

best regards,

Victoria Tauli-Corpuz
Executive Director
Tebtebba (Indigenous Peoples' International Centre for Policy Research and Education)
Convenor, Asian Indigenous Women's Network
phone: 63-74-4447703
mobile: 63-9175317811

Friday, February 7, 2014

Conflict prevention, post-conflict peacebuilding and promotion of durable peace, rule of law and governance, 02/07/2014

Co-chairs' meeting with representatives of Major Groups and other stakeholdersConflict prevention, post-conflict peacebuilding and promotion of durable peace, rule of law and governance, 02/07/2014Submitted by Roberto Múkaro Borrero (Taíno), International Indian Treaty Council
Thank you honorable co-Chairs.

Let me begin by noting that during previous sessions, the Indigenous Peoples Major Group addressed the broader theme of governance and those statements are available at the Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform. Our presentation today will therefore focus more specifically on the rule of law, which is certainly not an abstract concept to the World’s Indigenous Peoples.

The rule of law and human rights do matter to Indigenous Peoples; affirming and implementing these legal and conceptual frameworks are among the reasons why we engage with the UN system and the States.

Indeed, the Indigenous Peoples Major Group takes note of the Secretary-General’s Report on ‘Delivering Justice’ where he states: “The rule of law is a core principle of governance that ensures justice and fairness, values which are essential to our humanity”.[i]

From an indigenous perspective, justice and fairness, along with other key themes such as durable peace, human rights, security, accountability and sustainable development, cannot be promoted in isolation or at the expense of Indigenous Peoples. With justice, fairness, and the rule of law based in the human rights framework, there is much that can and must be done to ensure the voices, interests, and concerns of Indigenous Peoples are included in the post-2015 development agenda.
Honorable Co-Chairs, we are aware that all 193 United Nations Member States endorsed the idea that the rule of law and development are mutually reinforcing.  Additionally, States affirmed that this interrelationship should be considered in the post-2015 development agenda.[ii] Moreover, there already seems to be a broad consensus that the post-2015 agenda needs to move forward with sustainable development at its core and the eradication of poverty as its top priority.  Indigenous Peoples, however, are well aware that poverty will not be alleviated without respect for rights, justice and fairness.

Based on this reality, and to better address inequalities faced by Indigenous Peoples, it is essential that the advancement of the rule of law at the national and international levels be clearly articulated as a priority in this new agenda. There is a need for Governments, for instance on the country-level, to strengthen their regulatory systems with strong, yet adaptable legal frameworks that not only take into account of the special situations and legal frameworks of Indigenous Peoples, but that conform fully with internationally accepted human rights standards and resulting legal obligations and commitments.

In this context, the rule of law as defined by the Secretary General forms a critical point of reference for the empowerment and meaningful participation of Indigenous Peoples and other marginalized groups in the post-2015 agenda.[iii]  While the OWG process is considering the linkages between the rule of law and sustainable development, there are a number of challenges and issues relevant to Indigenous Peoples that should be taken into consideration. These include, but are not limited, to: Treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements between States and Indigenous Peoples; engagement with indigenous legal and justice systems; Constitution-making; institution-building; participatory mechanisms for conflict resolution; and meaningful and effective participation in processes aimed at strengthening the rule of law. Fortunately, there are mechanisms that can guide States and the United Nations System toward meaningful engagement with Indigenous Peoples in these areas.

The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, for instance, builds on existing human rights standards, many of which represent established, legally-binding obligations of States, and applies these standards to the specific needs and circumstances of Indigenous Peoples. The Declaration sets out minimum standards for the “survival, dignity and well-being” of Indigenous peoples around the world as well as participatory frameworks for resolution of conflicts.[iv]

The Rio+ 20 Outcome Document stressed the importance of the participation of Indigenous Peoples in the achievement of sustainable development. It also recognizes the importance of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the context of global, regional, national, and sub-national implementation of sustainable development strategies.

In closing, the Indigenous Peoples major group affirms that the rule of law is a principle of governance that promotes justice, fairness, and accountability.  We call upon the OWG co-chairs to ensure that the culmination of this process includes a clear message that implementation by States of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and other human rights standards including the Human Rights Covenants and the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination should be regarded as political, moral and legal imperatives without qualification.

Hahom/Thank you.

[i] “Delivering justice: programme of action to strengthen the rule of law at the national and international levels”, 16 March 2012, A/66/749, paragraph 1.

[ii] See

[iii] The Secretary-General defines the rule of law as “a principle of governance in which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards. It requires, as well, measures to ensure adherence to the principles of supremacy of law, equality before the law, accountability to the law, fairness in the application of the law, separation of powers, participation in decision-making, legal certainty, avoidance of arbitrariness and procedural and legal transparency." (Report of the Secretary-General: The rule of law and transitional justice in conflict and post-conflict societies” (2004))

[iv] There are other mechanisms that should be highlighted in this context such as the CERD, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, ILO Convention 169, etc. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Sustainable Development 2015: Enhanced Multi-Stakeholder Engagement in the Post-Rio+20 and Post-2015 Processes (SD2015)

Stakeholder Forum is delighted to announce a new programme in partnership with CIVICUS and in collaboration with UN DESA and undertaken with the financial assistance of the European Union: 

Sustainable Development 2015: Enhanced Multi-Stakeholder Engagement in the Post-Rio+20 and Post-2015 Processes (SD2015)

The two year SD2015 programme will provide tools and opportunities for all stakeholders to participate in the global deliberations on and around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the wider post-2015 development agenda, through the following five focus areas: Raise Awareness; Increase Engagement; Empower Stakeholders; Coordinate Advocacy; and Strengthen Governance

Raise Awareness

SD2015 will provide briefings for, and enhance communication between, all stakeholders from civil society, governments and the media to raise awareness of the process and its importance Increase Engagement SD2015 will provide opportunities and modalities for stakeholders to engage with the UN system and share expert inputs to increase the universality, relevance and ambition of the global goals 

Empower Stakeholders 

SD2015 will provide tools and training to build multi-stakeholders’ capacity to achieve ambitious aims for the goals through their engagement with the UN, national governments and the media

Coordinate Advocacy 

SD2015 will provide tools, resources sand forums for multi-stakeholders to plan and develop coordinated advocacy around the global goals, at and between local, national and global levels 

Strengthen Governance

SD2015 will inform parliamentarians on the global goals agenda, develop global institutions and engage existing networks and infrastructure for all stakeholders. Exemplars in, and synergies between, national and international policy making will be identified and used to develop guidance Learn More: Read the SD2015 Brochure

We encourage you to get involved in this crucial process to help build a more sustainable future. SD2015’s events, training materials and reports provide a means to ensure that all stakeholders can engage in and influence the post-2015 process at the national, regional and global levels.

For further details, read our short summary brochure, and keep up to date with the programme’s activities and events via the website.

We want to hear from you, contact Ian Fenn (Programme Manager) at for more information about the programme and ways to get involved.