Saturday, March 22, 2014

SIDS 2014

SIDS 2014 will be held from 1 to 4 September 2014 at the Faleata Sports Complex in Apia, Independent State of Samoa. Its preparatory process include an intersessional to be held in New York from 21-25 April and the second Preparatory Committee Meeting to be held in New York from 23-27.

Pre-registration at

Pre-registration is required for all NGOs and Major Groups wanting to 
participate to the preparatory process and to the Conference in Samoa. 

- Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States (1-4 
September 2014, Apia, Samoa) Deadline: 1 August 2014
- Final Preparatory Committee meeting (23-27 Jun 2014, New York)
- Intersessional meeting (21 - 25 Apr 2014 , New York)

NGOs and other major groups that are eligible for participation are those 
that are:
- In Consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
- Accredited to previous conferences on the sustainable development of the 
Small Island Developing States, held in Barbados and Mauritius (BPOA, 
BPOA+5, MSI, MSI+5). See list of relevant Conferences at

Not accredited - apply now at
NGOs and other Major Groups organizations that are not accredited to ECOSOC or not previously accredited to previous conferences on the sustainable development of the Small Island Developing States, held in 
Barbados and Mauritius (BPOA, BPOA+5, MSI, MSI+5), may participate in the SIDS 2014 Conference through an ad-hoc accreditation process. Please click  and start the special 
accreditation process. Deadline: 12 May 2014

Hotel and travel
Organizations are responsible for making the necessary arrangements for their travel and accommodation. Due to the limited amount of hotels in Apia, reservations should be made well in advance at the centralized 
accommodation booking system at and no later than 30 June 2014

Plan to arrive early to take part in pre-Conference activities to be held at the golf course adjacent to the Conference venue:
28 August              Major groups Forum
29 August              Youth Forum
30 August              Renewable energy Forum/meeting
30-31 August         Private Sector Partnerships Forum