Tuesday, May 22, 2007

2007: IPCGC - Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People

Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Sixth Session - Special theme: “Territories, lands and natural resources”

IPCGC Intervention: Joboshirima Lokono Arawak Community; Caney Quinto Mundo; Presencia Taina; KuKarey Spiritual Circle; United Confederation of Taino People

Tuesday, 22 May 2007 - Item 4 (g) Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People

Madam Chair, and distinguished delegates, we welcome this opportunity to address the plenary on Item 4 (g) the Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People. While we have submitted a majority of these recommendations to previous sessions, we have received no response from any United Nations agencies, including the Permanent Forum, with regard to substantive follow-up or consultations.

With this in mind, and with specific refference to the implementation of the Plan of Action (A/60/270) for the Second Decade, we recommend that the Permanent Forum:

1.) Urge UNESCO to work in collaboration with indigenous Caribbean islanders to promote and support the recovery of their heritage, oral traditions and ancient writings with a view to recognizing them as heritage of humanity under the framework of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage and the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage[ii];

2.) Urge UNESCO to sponsor a special regional meeting with representatives of the Indigenous Peoples Caucus of the Greater Caribbean as well as other regional initiatives to facilitate their full and effective participation in its work relating to endangered languages, education, literacy, nomination of indigenous sites to the World Heritage List and other relevant programs[iii];

3.) Urge States, UNESCO and other relevant UN agencies to provide the resources, technical, or other assistance necessary to develop language, education and cultural exchange programs to restore and revitalize, and strengthen their languages, especially these ancient languages have been replaced by a dominant language or are not being used as a result of the actions of governments, assimilation and acculturation policies;

4) Urge Caribbean States including the “Free Associated State” of Puerto Rico to work in collaboration with indigenous Caribbean islander organizations to review all public education materials to eliminate any discriminatory and derogatory contents as well as erroneous historical accounts, which continue to render Indigenous Peoples invisible, subject to ridicule, or misrepresents them in any way[iv].

5) Urge the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to include Caribbean Indigenous Islanders, including the Taíno People of Puerto Rico without discrimination, into the future sessions of the Indigenous Fellowship Program[v].

5) Urge Caribbean States including the “Free Associated State” of Puerto Rico to work in collaboration with indigenous Caribbean islanders to further develop national legislation for the protection and promotion of human rights, including means of monitoring and guaranteeing those rights and urge that where it is not already the case, like in the case of Puerto Rico, national constitutions recognize the existence of indigenous peoples, and make explicit reference to them, where relevant[vi].

6) Urge the Rio Group, CARICOM and the Association of Caribbean States to develop policy guidelines in collaboration with the member organizations and communities represented within the Indigenous Peoples Caucus of the Greater Caribbean as well as other regional initiatives with a view to work closely with respective governments to use said guidelines in the implementation of regional agreements and to assist in strengthening fair trade, socio-economic systems, and other potential areas of cooperation among Indigenous Peoples of the region.

7) Urge the Association of Caribbean States, the RIO Group, and CARICOM (including its Associate and Observer members) to establish a special regional fund for representatives of the Indigenous Peoples Caucus of the Greater Caribbean and other regional initiatives to attend the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues throughout the remainder of the Second Decade and beyond.

Madam Chair, and distinguished delegates, we say bo’matum (thank you) for your time and consideration.

Statement Presented by: Mildred Gandia Reyes, UCTP


[i] Following an organizational structure similar to the Association of Caribbean States, the “Greater Caribbean” is defined here as an area of cooperation in recognition of common ancestral heritages and common geographic spaces shared by the Indigenous Peoples of the region historically and at present.
[ii] Relating to item 15
[iii] In accordance with paragraphs 23 & 16
[iv] Under Item 18
[v] Under item 47
[vi] Under item 56

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