Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Public Notice: UNPFII 2008

Public Notice: The Seventh Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) will take place at United Nations Headquarters in New York, from 21 April to 2 May 2008. The special theme will be "Climate change, bio-cultural diversity and livelihoods: the stewardship role of indigenous peoples and new challenges."

The United Confederation of Taino People (UCTP) is facilitating administrative services and activities for delegates planning to participate within the Indigenous Peoples Caucus of the Greater Caribbean (IPCGC) at the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues 2008. Please inform the UCTP of your planned attendance and desire to participate as part of the Caucus, which is open to representatives of indigenous Caribbean Organizations and communities.

Consistent with the UNPFII procedures, the IPCGC follows an organizational structure similar to the Association of Caribbean States whereas the “Greater Caribbean” is defined here as an area of cooperation in recognition of common ancestral heritages and common geographic spaces shared by the Indigenous Peoples of the region.

Please send correspondence to the United Confederation of Taino People’s Office of International Relations and Regional Coordination at

On behalf of the UCTP, we say bo’matum (thank you) in advance for your attention and consideration.

Issued on 21 November 2007,
UCTP Office of International Relations
and Regional Coordination,
Roberto Mucaro Borrero,
President and Chairman

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Seventh Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues


Dear friends,

Pre-registration for the Seventh Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues is now open.

The Seventh Session will take place at United Nations Headquarters, in New York, from 21 April to 2 May 2008. The special theme will be "Climate change, bio-cultural diversity and livelihoods: the stewardship role of indigenous peoples and new challenges."

Pre-registration is open to indigenous peoples' organizations, academic institutions and NGOs with ECOSOC consultative status. Please visit the Seventh Session webpage, where you will find all online registration forms:

Best regards,

Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues


Estimados amigos,

El proceso de pre-inscripción para el Séptimo período de sesiones del Foro Permanente para las Cuestiones Indígenas ya está abierto.

El Séptimo período de sesiones se llevará a cabo del 21 de abril al 2 de mayo de 2008 en la sede de las Naciones Unidas, en Nueva York y el tema especial será "El cambio climático, la diversidad biocultural y los medios de vida: la custodia por los pueblos indígenas y nuevos retos".

La pre-inscripción está abierta para las organizaciones de pueblos indígenas, las instituciones académicas y las ONGs con estatus consultivo ante el ECOSOC. Les invitamos a visitar la página web del séptimo período de sesiones, en donde podrá acceder a los formularios de pre-inscripción en línea:

Saludos cordiales,

Secretaría del Foro Permanente para las Cuestiones Indígenas