From: Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity
To: CBD Focal Points, ABS Focal Points, International organizations, indigenous and local community organizations and relevant stakeholders
Subject: Expert Meeting on the Modalities of Operation of the Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing-House, 11-14 April 2011, Montreal, Canada
Thematic area: Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-sharing
Ref.: SCBD/ABS/VN/SG/74725
No. 2011-009
Article 14 of the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing establishes an Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing-House (ABS Clearing-House) as part of the clearing-house mechanism under Article 18, paragraph 3 of the Convention. The ABS Clearing-House is a means for the sharing of information related to access and benefit-sharing and it shall provide access to information made available by each Party relevant to the implementation of the Protocol.
In accordance with Decision X/1, paragraph 12 and Annex II, the Open-ended Ad-hoc Intergovernmental Committee for the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing will consider the modalities of operation of the ABS Clearing-House, including reports on its activities, at its first meeting, from 6 to 10 June 2011. In preparation for this first meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee, I am pleased to inform you that an Expert Meeting will be held on the modalities of operation of the ABS Clearing-House, from 11-14 April 2011, in Montreal, Canada, thanks to the generous financial contribution of the European Commission. The meeting will be held in the English language.
The expert meeting will focus on practical considerations related to the establishment of the ABS Clearing-House with a view to provide input to the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee and to assist countries with the early ratification and implementation of the Nagoya Protocol. The meeting will build on existing experience and lessons learned from the establishment of other clearing house mechanisms, in particular the Biosafety Clearing-House. The report of the expert meeting will be made available to the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for its consideration.
Documents for the meeting, including an information note for participants, will be made available as soon as practicable on the website of the Convention at the following address:
Nomination and Selection of Experts/Observers
The group of experts will be regionally balanced and composed of 8 experts per region selected on the basis of nominations by Parties. In addition, 10 observers from international organizations and agreements, industry, research institutions and/or academia, botanical gardens and other ex situ collection holders, non-governmental organizations and indigenous and local communities will also be invited to participate.
Each Party is invited to nominate one expert. International organizations and agreements, industry, research institutions and/or academia, botanical gardens and other ex situ collection holders, non-governmental organizations and indigenous and local communities are also invited to nominate one expert as an observer to the meeting. The deadline for nominations is 18 February 2011.
Nominated experts should have knowledge in the fields of access and benefit-sharing, and practical experience with regard to information-sharing and knowledge management systems and the establishment of clearing-houses. The curriculum vitae of the nominated experts/observers should be included with the nominations submitted to the Secretariat.
Based on the nominations received, the Executive Secretary in consultation with the Bureau, will select participants in the meeting. As per usual practice, the experts will be selected on the basis of their expertise, the need to ensure fair and equitable geographical distribution, as well as gender balance.
Nominations should be submitted through an official letter addressed to the Executive Secretary by fax to +1 514 288 6588, or by email as a scanned attachment to:
The full text of this notification is available on the CBD website at:
Please accept, Madam/Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Ahmed Djoghlaf
Executive Secretary
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
United Nations Environment Programme
413 Saint-Jacques Street, Suite 800
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H2Y 1N9
Tel: +1 514 288 2220
Faxx: +1 514 288 6588
To: CBD Focal Points, ABS Focal Points, International organizations, indigenous and local community organizations and relevant stakeholders
Subject: Expert Meeting on the Modalities of Operation of the Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing-House, 11-14 April 2011, Montreal, Canada
Thematic area: Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-sharing
Ref.: SCBD/ABS/VN/SG/74725
No. 2011-009
Article 14 of the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing establishes an Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing-House (ABS Clearing-House) as part of the clearing-house mechanism under Article 18, paragraph 3 of the Convention. The ABS Clearing-House is a means for the sharing of information related to access and benefit-sharing and it shall provide access to information made available by each Party relevant to the implementation of the Protocol.
In accordance with Decision X/1, paragraph 12 and Annex II, the Open-ended Ad-hoc Intergovernmental Committee for the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing will consider the modalities of operation of the ABS Clearing-House, including reports on its activities, at its first meeting, from 6 to 10 June 2011. In preparation for this first meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee, I am pleased to inform you that an Expert Meeting will be held on the modalities of operation of the ABS Clearing-House, from 11-14 April 2011, in Montreal, Canada, thanks to the generous financial contribution of the European Commission. The meeting will be held in the English language.
The expert meeting will focus on practical considerations related to the establishment of the ABS Clearing-House with a view to provide input to the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee and to assist countries with the early ratification and implementation of the Nagoya Protocol. The meeting will build on existing experience and lessons learned from the establishment of other clearing house mechanisms, in particular the Biosafety Clearing-House. The report of the expert meeting will be made available to the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for its consideration.
Documents for the meeting, including an information note for participants, will be made available as soon as practicable on the website of the Convention at the following address:
Nomination and Selection of Experts/Observers
The group of experts will be regionally balanced and composed of 8 experts per region selected on the basis of nominations by Parties. In addition, 10 observers from international organizations and agreements, industry, research institutions and/or academia, botanical gardens and other ex situ collection holders, non-governmental organizations and indigenous and local communities will also be invited to participate.
Each Party is invited to nominate one expert. International organizations and agreements, industry, research institutions and/or academia, botanical gardens and other ex situ collection holders, non-governmental organizations and indigenous and local communities are also invited to nominate one expert as an observer to the meeting. The deadline for nominations is 18 February 2011.
Nominated experts should have knowledge in the fields of access and benefit-sharing, and practical experience with regard to information-sharing and knowledge management systems and the establishment of clearing-houses. The curriculum vitae of the nominated experts/observers should be included with the nominations submitted to the Secretariat.
Based on the nominations received, the Executive Secretary in consultation with the Bureau, will select participants in the meeting. As per usual practice, the experts will be selected on the basis of their expertise, the need to ensure fair and equitable geographical distribution, as well as gender balance.
Nominations should be submitted through an official letter addressed to the Executive Secretary by fax to +1 514 288 6588, or by email as a scanned attachment to:
The full text of this notification is available on the CBD website at:
Please accept, Madam/Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Ahmed Djoghlaf
Executive Secretary
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
United Nations Environment Programme
413 Saint-Jacques Street, Suite 800
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H2Y 1N9
Tel: +1 514 288 2220
Faxx: +1 514 288 6588